Friday, September 26, 2008

Garlic Planting

Finished planting 8lbs of garlic sets today.  Don't ask what I'm going to do with all that garlic come next August, but if you're interested in some, send an email to next summer and we'll see what we can do.  
It has been dry for the last few weeks with the soil quite brittle and crumbly for several inches down - a little like store bought ground coffee left too long on a pantry self.  It  started to rain about noon today and is expected to continue for a couple of days - good news!  Great to have all that garlic tucked away in  the neat garden beds waiting for the rain.  All I have to do is put a 'comforter' of straw on top, which I will do after the rain thoroughly wets the soil.
Lots of bird activity today.  This morning I came upon  a warbler trapped in the Garden Shed, which fluttered out as I entered the door.  This afternoon there were Robins galore in the wet bushes around the house and there were flocks of Jays marauding the woods.  A spectacular Piliated Woodpecker alighted on the big pine tree behind the house tentatively tapping the trunk searching for a treat as I was awakened from my afternoon nap.  There was a steady rap of rain on the bedroom's metal roof. The gleaming colors of the wet fall leaves were enhanced by the diffuse light of a cloudy day.  Life seems good.

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