Sunday, January 18, 2009

Middle of January

Paradox is beautiful! New snow that is so white and bright, it glows from within. The picture at the left is of the Garden at Rest. Everything is bedded down. The garlic is on the right under 8 inches of straw and two feet of snow.

All morning the sky feathered us with light snowflakes sashaying their way to the ground without a care in the world save their own delicate back and forth dance.

Naomi and I took a Sunday morning trip to the Paradox General Store for the Times and a cup of coffee for me. The store was upbeat - warm, with friendly conversation about the cold weather and Paradox's recent notoriety as the coldest place in NY State. We were charmed.
Last night we had dinner at Foster and Jane's with their friends Dana and David and with Leon and Shermane. Shermane is a PhD. Climatologist at Medgar Evers College in Brooklyn and operates a teaching and research program here in the valley. As part of the program, she has established a weather station which can be accessed by clicking on the Paradox Weather Station line to the right of this text under the Current Weather in the Valley heading. Anyway, because of her weather station, our weather gets posted on the THE WEATHER UNDERGROUND web site. And then gets picked up by news stations and presto! we are a news item on the local television station. .

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