It has been dry for the last few weeks with the soil quite brittle and crumbly for several inches down - a little like store bought ground coffee left too long on a pantry self. It started to rain about noon today and is expected to continue for a couple of days - good news! Great to have all that garlic tucked away in the neat garden beds waiting for the rain. All I have to do is put a 'comforter' of straw on top, which I will do after the rain thoroughly wets the soil.
Lots of bird activity today. This morning I came upon a warbler trapped in the Garden Shed, which fluttered out as I entered the door. This afternoon there were Robins galore in the wet bushes around the house and there were flocks of Jays marauding the woods. A spectacular Piliated Woodpecker alighted on the big pine tree behind the house tentatively tapping the trunk searching for a treat as I was awakened from my afternoon nap. There was a steady rap of rain on the bedroom's metal roof. The gleaming colors of the wet fall leaves were enhanced by the diffuse light of a cloudy day. Life seems good.
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