Tuesday, October 26, 2010

North Truro October, '10

Gray fog, water, and still air
Indeterminate distant sounds and the
Tide stealthily sidles up the tan sand

Gulls, nonchalant, grooming, pretending
Others don't exist
Yet each guards with quickened eye
it's own space

Watching, hoping --

That from the enveloping gray
where there is no defined form and
where disembodied light and sound
come from everywhere

--- Something will come from somewhere.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

First Frost

Today was the first killing frost of the season in our valley. It has been a very long and productive summer in the garden. In picture at the left from earlier in the summer, Naomi picks some Zinnias for the table.

Below are some sunflowers with purple kale in front.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Family reunion summer '10

Family reunion August 2010

Happy and Grandpa Joe with the Grandchildren on our bed dressed is hats!

Maria and Tovah shooing a fly and singing 'Shoofly don't bother me' while getting ready to pick in the garden.
Tovah and Maria holding beets in the shadow of the sunflowers.

Mugging for the camera at De Cesare's Pizza! Samson, Lauren, Esther.

At the Lake House!

Attitude on the head of a caterpillar at Schroon Lake

Bridging the back of the caterpillar

Tovah and Maria at the head of the caterpillar!

Mitch, Bekah, and Tovah on the deck at Highland

Samson, Micah, Esther

Samson and Esther.

Parental abuse!
